Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ingles. De nuevo. Otra Vez.

Somehow I found my old blog used in college for Spanish contemporary poetry. I must say I have lost touch with my studies and am determined to re-immerse myself in the romance that once drove me to spend my state borrowed money. I only have a few weeks until I return to the Iberian peninsula once again, but time is at a standstill. I cannot wait to rise to a blistering Western sun that knows no rest. I can not believe how long I have stayed sedentary in Winston-Salem. The carefree lifestyle of everyone is something that I want to burn and bury behind me. A terrible realization of Neruda-esque beliefs and visions plague me as I wake and waltz through this enigmatic and unstyled lifestyle. Foreign affairs have made me and broken me in the past half year, and I am just now scrambling to put myself back together - to remake myself. Whether I'll be viewed as different or not is not important fore I need not appear altered, but rather be. Look forward, not behind. Eat the trail of crumbs to further build myself and grow stronger. I will shed my surgeons gloves and don gauntlets. I can not take such a dainty approach to daily matters.
Put the coffee pot on.

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