Monday, September 20, 2010

San Mateo

Here in the town of Logroño the festival of San Mateo has begun. This brings forth a week long episode of parades, concerts, food and wine tastings, fireworks, and the Riojan's most prideful patriotic celebration of the year. It is a celebration of the harvest of grapes to make wine, and begins with the "chupinazo" in the town hall square. The mayor shoots a firework into the sky, the people scream, and the streets are filled with thousands of people. I will try to load videos I took, and some pictures soon.

We don't have any of these sorts of festivals in the U.S., and this one is my first, so I am enjoying myself thoroughly. All day long, my house is filled with shouts from the people, beating of drums, and all sorts of other racket. Viva La Rioja - Viva Logroño - Viva San Mateo!!!

Below are some photos of the degustaciónes(tastings), pastries, people out on the town, performance artists, marching bands, and festivities... At the end is a video of "La quema de la cuba" - where they blow a bunch of stuff up in front of the town hall to signify the end of san mateo.


emily wright said...

this sounds awesome! Yay for San Mateo. Did you say Chupazo? does that have to do with downing lots of wine in one big chug? just a guess.
love ya Tee :)

Anonymous said...

Where are the pictures?

T said...

anonymous- they are coming today.

Anonymous said...

Tuna cans next to bottles of 3euro "ehseeemplie" wine next to a pack of ultra-heavy cigs?

Gotta be ehSpanish.

T said...


Marloes said...

Were there parades also? I do miss the San Bernabe parades waking me up every morning. I like the "explosions" in front of my old house :( cant believe i missed them but def not as good as the fireworks for SB. See you in a month Tbaggage x