Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shock value DOES still exist

I had the unique and strange displeasure of witnessing a live "performance art" presentation this passed weekend called Porno Terrorismo. (I highly suggest you think twice before clicking that link if you are easily disturbed by things that are terribly disturbing) I was duped by some Spanish friends into attending the gritty, shocking "poetry reading" found inside of a dark old warehouse in a foul-smelling alleyway just around the corner from my house. Entering the archaic chamber of what used to be some cavernous warehouse, I saw a large white screen on stage, an audiovisual control table set up, and a naked woman putting on a strap-on....??? Now, I don't know what you guys do in your spare time, but I don't think that it is normal to really EVER see that in real life. The foreshadowing bestowed upon me before the REAL kick-off that was later carried out with some truly heinous acts was mere childs play...

Two women with Mexican wrestling masks on were on the stage; one in a jumpsuit, the other barely wrapped in bandaged with her breasts exposed, while wielding scissors. After some frightening movements with the scissors, she plunged them into her belly, producing a flow of bright red fake blood that spilled messily about her legs and the floor. She unraveled the bandages, and we were now presented with, to be fair, a butt-naked bull dyke with a mohawk shaved into her head, who was "bleeding" all over the stage. She then read us some raunchy ass poetry about doing whatever she wants to get off, and really got things started with some crowd participation!

 "Hey you, cute little Spanish girl with black rimmed glasses in a white dress, want to come up here and whip my back and ass while my accomplice over here removes her jump-suit to reveal the horse sized strap-on cock for me to suck on, and vomit on-stage with????"

Yea... I was not ready for that either. Nor was I ready for her accomplice to fist her, with a video camera that projected the image on the white screen, while she read poetry, and then have her squirt vaginal fluids all over the stage. I was constantly turning to my companions, attempting to rationalize what the hell was going on in front of me, and perhaps understand why and how they had become aware of this spectacles' presence. No information of the sort was ever really presented to me, and it was all quite shocking as I had never seen anything of the sort before. The two women drank beers, belched into the microphone, and chain-smoked cigarettes on stage for the duration of the show. Seriously.

The movement and motive behind the entire shabang was to have freedom of expression; to be able to love a woman, to enjoy whatever sick and twisted shit that you want to, and also the idea of shock as a tool to stimulate the mind in a sexually provocative way, as well as using strange unknown themes to strike fear into the mind of the viewer (as terrorism intends).

The only thing it provoked was my open mouth and look of horror for a little over and hour. Dios Mio.


Corey Batchelor said...

Great update, finally something worth reading about. do anything else interesting over the weekend??

wild at heART said...

Dear sweet Jesus Thomas.
I can't wait to visit.
I should have known that Spain was where its at.
This sounds like a live version of my Women Artists class at App. The whipping is a nice addition though.
Stay strong friend, "art" can be frightening.
Did your friends enjoy it?

Unknown said...

I really wish I had not read that.

T said...

Of course Cbatch, many great things happened that weekend...

Blair - I expect you to understand that you will be whipped and forced into uncomfortable circumstances while here. My friends didn´t NOT like it, but they I feel like most of us are quite numb to these types of things now anyways, it was just ¨something new¨.

Mom - I am terribly happy you did. hahahaha.