Monday, May 17, 2010

Monte Cantabria

Monte Cantabria is a small hill/mountain/thing that is located in the north-east of Logroño by the "polígono", or industrial parks on the other side of the Rio Ebro. During the hellaciously fickle weather that we've been experiencing, my friends Alex, Chris, Victoria, and me decided to make something out of one of the nicer days, and hike to the top of the "mountains". In the walls of its red clay base are small windows carved in where people used to live, or something like that. Ascending the green path towards the top, we encountered a field full of South American immigrants having a bit party, old Spanish women chatting and offering refreshments for passers by, and random articles of clothing discarded along the way. Upon reaching the top of this once archaeological dig-site, we were presented with a precious view of all Logroño in its splendor and majesty. Fresh fruits and hot sun were all we needed to enjoy the sights.

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