Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cowabunga dude

My First Pizza (out of the hundred i've made in restaurants)
200 g - Harina
10g - Levadura
1 Tbsp - Aceite de Olivo
A little bit of agua

+ Mix warm water, yeast, a little salt and sugar in a bowl.
+ Poor Tbsp of olive oil on the flour, and then mix the water and flour together.
+ After mixing, knead for 5-10 minutes into a ball
+ Place ball in bowl in the un-heated oven and let sit for 3 hours
+ Get the now risen dough out and knead it more, and put it back into the oven for a bit longer
+ Make your sauce however you want (I used some tomato juice, cayenne pepper(2), S&P&herbs)
+ Flour the tray, spread the dough, sauce & toppings, cook on high till you like

My Italian roommate Matia told me how to do this and I improvised some. A few of my buddies and I shared the pizza and went out to a party together afterwards. The cayenne peppers were crucial and I believe myself to be addicted to them. A little bit of spice is always something nice.


Unknown said...

I want to hear about your ride to the pueblos if you went.

I've been around. said...
