Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jawa crawler droit sale (france part 1)

When thinking of vacation, one typically imagines a beach, sun, sand, beer, pools, ocean, whatever... cold and a history of being well renowned for rain mixed with said cold are not necessarily the first two things one might head towards for ¨vacation¨, however, snow covered fields in the north of France actually sounds quite wonderful to me, and it was indeed so.

Let's kick it off with buses to buses to planes to buses to a gated hostel on the highway... that was.. the warmest, coziest, gated highway hostel EVAR. Oh and it was conveniently placed directly next to a Buffalo Grill. If you are unaware of what a Buffalo Grill is, I honestly only suggest that you take a brief glance at this glorious photograph, and most people's spontaneous judgments will do it the justice it deserves.

 Beauvais is "Paris" according to Ryan Air, and it served as the place where I would rent my first car, but more importantly, have my first Buffalo Grill dining experience, and in French! Beauvais had quite the beautiful cathedral that is apparently one of Europe's most impressive Gothic architectural constructions.

 That's me looking at the impressive doorway. It had flying buttresses (my favorite Gothic architectural design) that wrapped all around the building in a semi-circular fashion.

This monster is a Fiat 500. My first ever rental car. It was a champion of not using much gas.

Next was on to Normandy.

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